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Peaceful Warrior. 'Satellites'
written by Eamon O'Kane / Sally Thomas
From the album 'the godbox sessions :90405. Recorded in Santa Monica CA in 1998-99.
2006. Lionsgate films
'Letters about the weather'
NZ Short film
Writer / Director Peter Salmon
Soundtrack by Eamon O'Kane & Sally Thomas
1999 . NZ onscreen . NZ on Air
Boltneck. 'Passion for you'
(Big monster on campus)
'Passion for you' written by Eamon O'Kane / Peter Di Stefano & Sally Thomas
From the album 'the godbox sessions :90405. Recorded in Santa Monica CA in 1998-99.
2000 . Regent Entertainment
'Playing Possum'. NZ Short film
Writer / Director Peter Salmon
Soundtrack by Eamon O'Kane
1998 . NZ onscreen . NZ on Air
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